Monday, September 8, 2008

Hello Valued Reader!

Hi there! Yeah, I'm talking to you! I talk to me all the time, and lets face it, you're special, and not in a short bus way. No you're special in a "unique" fashion. The only one of you're kind type...

Anyway, I'm leaving you this personal note to let you know that today's post is going to be late.


"yes, late."

"How late?"


I need to run some personal errands, and I know I'm not going to get back in time to post my usually late post so this will fall in the "even later" variety.

I know what you're asking. You're asking, "Well Rob, if this is going to be LATER, is it going to be BETTER?"

Well if you mean better as in "well thought out, concise, logical and inspiring," well no. But if you mean "better" as in "later," then why yes, yes it will be better.

Please stand by. You're better post is on it's way...


Valerie said... it "later" yet?

Grphter said...

No, but it is now. ;)

Shades of Color: