Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Meme of the Day

Today's meme is brought to you by the number "one" and the letter "U."  It's also brought by the same teacher who told us in first grade that "ain't, ain't a word."  That's ok, because she means well, and this distopian warning of a bleak tomorrow is a valid one.

Go ahead, try the Google search. Note that even "How can I" turns up happier results than "How can U" Maybe it's less about grammar and more about you and I. If you think it's more about you and me, you should know: "You" doesn't fare any better than "U" in Google grammar.  Although, "Me" will get you advice for "me and my girlfriend" to quit fighting.

Perhaps better grammar is the answer.

Google doesn't think so. None of the links led me to Strunk and White's or any other usage sites. 

As I writer, I have found that it's not the clothes that make the man; it's the grammar. And that's why this meme gets to be my meme of the day.

Now let's eat Blog readers!

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