According to Google:
Meme: Noun
- An element of a culture or behavior that may be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, esp. imitation.
- An image, video, etc. that is passed electronically from one Internet user to another.
In social media, we've taken a word, given it a new meaning and repeated it until our definition caught on as truth. That's an example of "meme." as well as a definition for a social media meme.
In common social media usage, a meme is a clipart poster where the creator tries to shape cultural opinions through a creative usage of image and text. Think Awkward Family Photos meets a bored marketer in a bar, and then hooks up. That's a meme, and if your Facebook page looks like mine, you can't scroll a dead cat without hitting a live one that's part of somebody's meme.
Most are fluffy self affirmation or eye-roling political dogma, but some are either so funny, so horrifying, or so both that the require a second glance.
So, I figure I'll do us both a favor: I'll find the best memes on my page and post them here. You win: you'll never have to check facebook again. I win: just another way I can pretend somebody's reading my blog. Sound fun?
Ok. Today's winner:

If Hitler ever wrote a sequel to "Mien Kampf" This would be it's cover. This is like "Winds of War" meets "Texas Wildcat." Well, maybe a little less Texas in this Wildcat, but equally as idealistic and headstrong, yet yearning to be tamed by the right man. Look at the longing regret in Adolf's eye. Clearly he would change if only...Yah.
I'm glad nobody is trying to scare me into a decision.
What's funny here is—nothing. Nothing's funny. I'm against gun control, but this effort to control me through fear makes me want to jump on the Obama wagon.
How do we keep our gun rights when our banner-men wave Hitler in everyone's face?
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