Monday, October 20, 2008

A Little Somethin' For You, Sports Fans.

"Soccer fans really are great fans! They're a lot of fun!"

Uh, wha? I glance up at my TV. There's a young sports girl talking up the Dodger's loss. She's consoling Dodger fans with the allure of soccer fans. I think it's cuz Dodger stadium is being used for soccer in the off season. Yeah, I'm sure that helps.

"Yes Mr. Boyd, we're sorry to hear about your divorce, but the good news is that your ex wife is doing just great. She's happy and moving on. We even have some candid snapshots of her and this physical trainers she's been seeing. Would you like to see?"

Yeah, sucks to be a Dodger fan. Luckily, I'm not. I try to keep that quiet though. LA fans aren't fun like soccer fans. Or maybe they are. I think that's what shocked me most about the girl's statement.

She thinks soccer fans are fun. I think a few South American cinder and ash cities around soccer arenas might disagree. Maybe the players are fun, because she's young and looks fun.

The things we guys will sacrifice for our sport.

On the other hand she's not exactly a brain trust. "Soccer fans are fun," she says with a hair flip and a giggle. Great. So are cute sports girls in strange towns. Film at 11.

Why is it the oblivious think cute consolation statements make us feel better about our tragedies? Why do they feel the need to say anything at all? Sometimes the best thing a person can do is just quietly offer a hug. Words only hurt.

I know what I'm talking about. I've said more than my fair share of little consolation. Unfortunately, I'm not a sports starlet. I can't even give good imaginary consolation. I look more like the shrugging Monopoly guy.


Yeah. Take it from me, silence can be best. People don't always want to hear how it's going to get better next season. They may not even believe you right now. Sometimes it's not about knowing somebody has the answers, it's about knowing that somebody cares.

We all take our lumps, but healing is a process. We have to move through it. So, dodger fans, if I'm sitting here in silence, I'm not gloating cuz you lost, it's just my way of telling you that there's always next year...

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