I don't want to write today!
There I've said it. I'm here shivering in a 92 degree California winter wondering where I'm going to find fire wood to make it through: it all seems alight somewhere else. I'm seriously thinking of turning my desk into firewood, but I think that's another problem.
That problem is this: It's a beautiful day and I want to be somewhere else. Where? Anywhere that my keyboard tether doesn't reach. Hell, I'll tell ya what: I'd even take my keyboard with me, how's that? I'd like to be Wi-Fi-ing from the middle of a difficult grass nap, while some blonde licks my cheek. Ok, maybe her dog, but the blonde can stay.
"Good girl, now sit…"
See, and that's usually where I get hit, or peed on (the dog. The dog pees, the girl hits…come on, this is a dissolving family blog!). That's ok. It's a good day to be hit by a pretty girl. Yeah, I know. Not gonna happen. Still, this key-pecker can tap out a dream can't he?
What's weird, is that I don't remember the last time I thought, "I don't want to write right now." I'm not saying that's bad or good, it just is. I do think that part of it is good. So maybe I am saying that it's good. I don't know. I don't know about the other part. The part I don't know if it's good or not. That part, I'm confused on. The good part of it is me wanting to get out of the house, and be somewhere else, to be distracted by something more tangible than words on a screen. For quite a while, I haven't wanted that.
Oh I know, I've said I wanted to get out, but that's not the same thing. That was more that I just didn't want to be here, it's not that I wanted to be somewhere else really. Now it's like I see myself sitting in a park typing away; Cosmo running around with his little cone…
"Cosmo, just a little to the left, I can almost pick up the Food network…"
"Good boy!" He's such a good dog, "Now dig me up a blond--No! No boy, not literally!"
I don't know. I'm just distracted, and I think that's good. Thoughts are strewn across my mind like a toppled Jenga tower. I've been focused on everything for so long, it's just collapsed..
I need a day. A day to look at the sky and find shapes in the smog. That's what I need. That's what I'm taking.
Today I'm gonna wrap up early. I'm going to go mow my lawn. No it's not a park, and the mower I'm rolling around with isn't a beautiful girl of any hair color, but you know, on a day like today, that's alright.
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