So lets see…
I've complained about my job this week, right?
I've complained about my divorce, right?
Have I whined about my sick dog?
Yeah, I thought so.
I'm done.
Thank you and good night!
Is that really all it is? Do I come across that whiney? I mean I am, but I try to hide it beneath a good foundation and some eye liner. My mom sold Avon, I think I've got the background. My dad's proud. I sort of get the Robert Smith, from the Cure, thing going and I become the brooding clown.
Too much brood rouge?
Fine. I'll try to up the clown a bit. I'm not doing slapstick. I'm sorry. I don't do that. Ok…not on purpose. It's all about timing and errors. I'm good at that. Ask anyone.
So you want me to be cheerful? Fine. I'll share my latest highlights. Here goes nothing:
No really. That’s it. Nothing. Thank you and good night.
Ok, my life isn't that miserable. Actually, it's not bad at all. Oh, I am a cacophony of mishaps, but they resound in the key of Rob. I mean, even the job thing. I'm learning something here. I know I am. I keep telling myself that. When I've figured it out, it'll be time to sing something else. For now, I'm here. I'm still waiting on the divorce answers too, but they're coming!
Last night I went to bed, thinking "Man! 2008 is not shaping up much better than 2007." and I suppose from the "now," no it isn't. But the cool thing about these times is that from the distance of time, they look much better. Think back on 9th grade. Remember Jenny Bloom, and how you had that secret crush on her? Then you told your best friend Frank Thomas who made sure it no longer stayed a secret? Yeah, me too. Still, it turned out better didn't it? Especially after you gave Frank the Ex-Lax brownie. That turned out to be more fun than a date with Jenny any day, right?
So now is my Ex-Lax transition. My life is changing. It's like the Incredible Hulk, only half as drastic.
"You wouldn't like me when I'm moody…"
See? Good times. Actually they are. I only wish they were more eventful. I'm busy with work, and blogging and all the minutia that caulks the cracks in between. I don't have mini adventures. At least I thought I didn't.
That's when I read my blog. I mean I write this stuff, but who really wants to read it, right? I did. It's like everything is an adventure. You guys are right! That Rob is crazy! From falling fences, to finding a Wii, my life is a huge freaking adventure.
More than that though, our lives are adventures. If you're feeling blah, take a moment to blog your day to day. If you keep it up, you'll see a pattern. Not like a sound wave or something, more like a giant chaotic dot to dot.
We all go through life dwelling on our stuff. I don't know if that's bad. Remember when as a kid you wanted to be an astronaut, and then the Challenger dropped out of space, and you rethought that idea? A lot of us did.
Then again, others didn't. They thought that added to the adventure. Some decided that being an astronaut wasn't adventure enough, they needed to be known as the "Crazy Diaper Stalker." Say what you will, she created her own adventure.
I think you should too. Maybe not to that extreme. Try something more tame. Try saying hello to somebody you've never spoken to before. Try holding the door for a stranger. Try singing in public, and if you're feeling wacky, add a jig. Don't give candy to a strange child though. That's an adventure of mace and handcuffs you don't want to have to blog about later. Believe me.
But our lives are full of good things; sometimes we have to create them. Take time, have an adventure, and tell me what you did. I'm tired of having my own. It's time to live vicariously.
Thank you, and good night.
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