Have you ever felt like you're on the verge of a revelation? Not as in Biblical dragons, whores, and flesh eating locusts, you can log into World of Warcraft anytime you want to find that. No I'm talking about a "life is trying to tell you something" revelation. Usually, for me anyway, it's something I should have learned somewhere else. Like all the lessons I was supposed to learn in my divorce; there I'm a little back logged.
To work through that lesson book, I might as well try cataloging the Smithsonian in a weekend. There's just so much stuff!
What if I don't learn it?
Do I have to repeat it?
What's really a lesson?
One of the lessons, is learning what is a lesson. Some things aren't lessons at all, they're just things you want to mean something: they're red thongs on the bed post. Herring? Red herring? Why would that be on the bed post? That's just stupid. No wonder she left…
Anyway, yeah during the divorce I learned a lot about people, some new things about MyEx and even a thing or two about me.
"Don't you ever flush?"
I don't really think that that was what caused my divorce, but it was interesting to see the little house idiosyncrasies that I blamed on her, that were all mine. Oh, there were truckloads of idiocies that disappeared when she left too, so don't think I learned that much about me. But I'm not here to blame her--that's what the divorce was for. At least that's what I've learned so far.
This blog is about life's lap drops. Dances? No, life never does that to me. Oh that it would, but no, it's more like droppings, trust me. It's the things I should have learned. The things that cross into other areas of life leaving new piles of…joy. Although some are happier than others. I think that's my latest revelation. Some are opportunities.
Those of you who read me on D360 know that I've posed a question about next years vacation. Those of you who don't read me there have no idea what I'm talking about. That would make this a normal daily blog, but I'm trying make a point, so let me elaborate.
Swim through the confusion with me. All things will be as clear as the six year old swim water at the Y soon enough. Cleansing Rob's mind was one of those lessons I was supposed to learn…
The last 2 years I've done nothing with my vacation. Oh, yeah, I've sat around the house. I don't really count that as much. I always feel like I spend it trying to catch up. For next year I've decided to make it something to catch up from. Next year I'm going to a music festival.
Which one? I have no idea. Not yet. I have asked for suggestions, so if somebody has one, post it. I'm going to take the top 4 ideas, and turn them into the vacation pool at work. Whichever week I get off, is the show I go see. I'll let fate and God fight it out with drumstick light sabers. All I know is that, one way or another, I'm going to a land of milk and music. What? My dad reads my blog. I ONLY drink milk. I'm a good boy.
I'm also a music fan so I thought this would be perfect.
One of the things I should have learned from divorce is that nothing is perfect. You plan for the worst, and take what pile you get. I'm still working on that one. That's why I'm planning to write a music blog from wherever I go! Cuz I'm not accepting the pile, and I'm not missing out.
That's right, I'm gonna write about the bands and everything, because maybe someday somebody will trip over my blog-rock and go, "Hey! I like his stuff!" Most people veer away now. They're daunted by the word "Divorce" cuz it looks contagious. Somebody sees "music" they just might go, "Hey! I like his stuff!" No matter what they think of my divorce.
I'm also thinking that maybe the next time the D360 gods throw a Divorce festival, they'll invite me cuz, "Hey! We like his stuff." That's right! I could blog about divorce and take pictures and….hey, wait a minute…
So, I haven't learned to be quick either. That's fine. I'm learning to have fun, even if it's at my own expense, because seriously, nothing is perfect. Not everything works. If you don't embrace the things that do work and chase after them with both arms open, then you'll miss out on so many chances.
I'm done doing that.
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