Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sandy's RobBlog Connection

Sandy’s in the news. No, not the girl from “Grease.” Sandy the Hurricane. Have you met her?  If you’re on the east coast, I’m sure you’re very familiar with her antics.  Some say she’s “perfect” others call her the “wrath of God.” I dunno. I’ve seen her. She doesn’t have much of a personality and she opens up the waterworks like you won’t believe: everything is a drama. 

That’s just how the news likes it. Me? I’m not in the news.  I’m just a little Robblogger reporting his little world.  Here in D-town we haven’t seen Sandy yet, but she has sent us a friendly welcome.  The Pirate Queen was greeted this morning by sleet and darkness, all thanks to Sandy.

Today’s weather: cold, wet and from the east.  That’s the D-town Sandy connection. That’s also a girl I dated in college. Her name wasn’t Sandy though. Oddly enough it was Danny. She wasn’t from D-town either, but she drove a car that came from Detroit. She raced it for pinks. Sang a lot of 50’s style showtunes too.

“Sandy, can’t you see…”

She flew off in her flying car at a carnival, and I never saw her again.  So why do I bring up Danny?  Cuz she’s my Sandy connection.  Other than some sleet and power surges, I’ve got nothing exiting to report from here.

I’m thankful.  There are a lot of wet people further east with a lot of damage to their properties. I don’t know any of them.  Still I watched.

And I prayed. I mean sure, there’s a part of me that wanted to see wrath of God devastation, but that’s not what I prayed. I prayed for people I didn’t know. I prayed that they’d be ok. That maybe the worst thing they’d lose is some material possessions that they can buy when the stores open up again.

It does explain how he could fly...
I’ve heard some prayers believe that Sandy is God’s punishment the East because of their evil nature.  I hope not. That’s a lot of weight to put on one Sandy.  That’s like asking Sandy Duncan to play the whole Peter Pan cast. God’s punishment, really?

“You will be My punishment!”
That sounds like a job better held by a man-boy named Beiber.

But that’s the least of my worries. My biggest worry is that if Sandy is God’s punishing hand, what hope does that leave for me? I live in the murder capitol of the Western World. I really hate to see what wrath that garners for us. 

Then again, wherever I live, I’m assured there’s a litany of sin that follows me like clingy toilet paper. I’m screwed.

Maybe that’s why I take a more hopeful approach. I watch and I hope everybody will be ok because for every sinning Sodomite there is at least one good Lot. I believe that God has saved us from ourselves this long, to give us a chance, It’s counter productive to go reaping where the most change can be accomplished.

I believe Sandy is more about hope for a better day. It’s like something a girl I used to date once told me. Her name was Annie. She had the deepest white eyes. One day, sitting on the couch she held my hands in hers and stared at me with her big blank white marbles of hope.

 “The sun will come out tomorrow,” she said.

And I believed her. She was so full of hope. She had the cutest dog too. For the life of me, I can’t remember the dog’s name. I just remember it sounded like something out of yesterday’s news.

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