Thursday, November 1, 2012

Of Mice and Jedi

So did you hear?  Walt bought George.

It’s not a slavery thing; it’s a corporation thing.  Disney now owns Lucasfilms. They bought Them for 4.05 billion dollars. That’s American, not Disney dollars. Although I’m sure that there’s some stipulation in the contract for line cuts on Space Mountain.

“Out of my way kid.  I’m George Freakin’ Lucas.”

Over all I think this is a good thing. Disney’s more about the money and less about misguided perfectionism.  Disney won’t kidnap Star Wars, add CGI and then leave it in an alley, alone and deformed like some red-headed step-sequel. No In fact, we may see the original pre-Lucas-cyborg-spliced series on sale again, simply because there’s money to be made.

On the other hand we’ve just moved Ewoks and Dwarves into the same house.  That smells like trouble. Literally.  Neither group is known for their bathing prowess.  What we do know is that both groups are very industrious, mischievous and incredibly bad singers. The last time Disney threw these talents together we got a new Mickey Mouse Club—and nobody wants that again.

“Jub, Jub!”

Still, I like this merger. I think this will work out.  We’ve combined one of the leaders in special effects with one of the leaders in animation.  I’m sure we’ll see some visually stunning creations come from this deal. I only wish the deal guaranteed well-written compelling stories.

For that, we may need to wait for the sequel. 

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