Saturday, June 9, 2007

"Just another day..."-Wings

Ok, I'm a bad man. Not to my wife, although she would be the first to disagree, but to you my loyal reader. I normally prepare an entry the night before, but last night I didn't. It seems that I forgot to eat anything all day. It wasn't until I was grilling dinner, drinking a beer that I realized this. Or was it the second beer? The third? I don't really remember. I just remember grilling beer, blurry stuff, eating, more blurry stuff, more beer, TV...

I'm such a light weight these days anyway. I haven't drank much since my college days. Now, I have drink from time to time, but I'm a social drinker. For an anti-soc like me, that means: not much drinking.

So I didn't prepare my entry and you're stuck with this piddly bit of verbage. It's kind of like that stupid t-shirt from the 80s "My parents went to club baby seals and all I got was this lousy t-shirt." I never understood the popularity of that. I guess it was butter than it's 70s compatriot: "If you love something set it free, if it doesn't come back drown it in the fondue pot. Nobody will ever find it then." I think that's what happened to Hoffa. There's a cauldron of dried cheese in somebody's garage with a pinky breaking the surface. If your neighbor has one of these, move. That's my safety tip for the day.

So back to me, cuz it is my blog. My neighbor came by yesterday while I was mowing the lawn. He wanted to talk about the block wall he wants me to help pay for. I told him about the pending divorce and that I couldn't afford a block wall right now. He stood around talking about all the things I could do. I've heard this checklist before by many other well wishers. I don't begrudge him; he's trying to help. But advice is easy from the outside.

"Tried this?"
"Tried That?"
"What about the other thing."
"Not gonna do that."
"Ok, what about animal sacrifice."
"No, but I'm thinking of human sacrifice..."

He left right after that. Just in time for my sprinklers to go off. Leaving me to finish mowing my lawn in the man made rain.

My wife and I got along ok last night. We laughed and joked. It was fun, I believe we even talked about each others days, that was unusual. It wasn't warm and fuzzy, but it's days like yesterday that makes me believe there's a snowball sitting on Satan's doorstep, defying all odds, and holding it together. If he can do it, maybe we can too.

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