Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Music was the Case That They Gave Me

A lot of music news out there this week.

The good:

Dave Letterman and Selena Gomez both laughed about making Justin Bieber cry.  In unrelated news, I owe them both $10. I’ll owe you too if you can prove you made Justin cry.

"This is what it sounds like when Justin cries..."

The bad: 

Bobby Smith died.  Most of you didn’t know Bobby. I didn’t either, but I liked his music. He was lead vocalist for the Spinners.  I grew up on their music. They’re not the kind of band I would have admitted listening to after the age of ten, but before that, they were kinda cool. Rubberband Man, I’ll be Around, How could you not miss the Spinners? I know I will.

"Whenever you want me, I'll be there..."

Ok, you're dead. That's just creepy, Bobby.

The ugly:

Michelle Shocked.  Michelle’s not ugly. I like Michelle, Apparently though, she said some ugly things. She spoke her feelings towards gay and lesbian relationships, on stage at her San Francisco concert. As a result, the venue shut off the lights and her mic, while the audience voiced their opinion. 

Like Michelle, I was shocked on two fronts.  First, I didn’t realize she was still making music.  I hadn’t heard her make any new music since the early 90s.  Second, I always thought she was a lesbian. 

Guess not. 

I don’t really have a lot more to say about that.  I mean we all have opinions and misconceptions (obviously I do. Michelle isn’t gay.) And I think that Michelle’s speech was a little opinionated, and filled with some misconceptions which I won’t repeat here. On the other hand, she has the right to say what she wants. People paid to see her; it’s her stage. That said, people have the right to not pay to see her again, so I hope it was worth it.  

Michelle, can commiserate with the Dixie Chicks about opinionated stage dives. Sometimes it’s a good idea to know your audience before you speak out.

Me, I don’t have a lot to say on the subject. I try to keep my hateful thoughts to myself.  Let’s not be confused: I do have hateful thoughts, and every one of you who’ve wronged me knows that that’s true.  On the other cheek, the one that I’m supposed to turn, there’s already enough hate out there. I don’t need to add mine.

We pray, “…forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Sometimes I wonder if that’s not God’s little sarcastic joke, cuz we don’t forgive. We fail to love our neighbor, and rage against them as if it’s somehow justified.

There are venues for dogmas, politics and opinions; my blog isn’t a courtroom or and executioners block.  So Michelle I wish you the best. If it’s any consolation, I won’t burn your CDs. I still like your music, especially songs like, If Love was a Train. I like that thought.

But like you sang, “If love was a train but love ain't a train.

So, my $10 offer for making Justin cry still stands.

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