Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Calander Roadkill & the Remains of the Day


It’s all over.  No, I mean everywhere you look it’s 12-12-12.  It’s obviously not all over, as in “done” I’m still blogging.

Yeah, sorry bout that. Had the Mayan’s known, they would have ended the world a few years earlier.

Nostradamus knew. Yeah he said something about there being a man on a date writing things. 

“That’s Me!”

P.T. Barnum talked about me too, but it had nothing to do with the end of the world.  Or did it?

I don’t know. I guess there’s still time. The day isn’t over, right? There’s still time, so keep living like it’s the last day of your life. I mean, what if the Mayan’s watches were slow? It could have thrown the whole end of days thing out of whack. They didn’t have Swiss quartz…

So lets see…Prince said we’d end at 1999. He was a day ahead of the Millenialists. The world celebrated several more New Years after they told us it was all over.  We had a few religious leaders pull dates out of their—uhm…hats and several other prophets who said it would happen when America elected a black president. Well that happened too and we’re still here.

So I’m not gonna worry too much about the Mayans. Still, there is a part of me that wonders. I mean, what if they are right? Until the day is over, they got as good a shot at guessing the end of the world as I do. I mean, sure, they lived hundreds of years ago, but they invented a calendar. I’m lucky if I can set my alarm clock set for am or pm. What do I know?

I received several emails today. They put faith in the Mayans.

“Sale ends today!”

Ok. That’s a little foreboding. Macy’s is definitely more up to date on things than I am.  HSBC, they’ve promised to go honest. You can’t tell me they’d have done that if they thought there was more time left.  And then there’s the most damning evidence yet:

The Pope tweeted today.

Yeah, you can follow him if you like.

Me, I’m saying my goodbyes.

Oh, wait. What? The Mayan’s said 12-21-12? Oh great. Now my calendar is all out of whack, and I still gotta buy Christmas gifts, just in case.

Way to ruin a good doomsday.

Well at least I have something else to blog about.

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