Thursday, October 4, 2007

"And it's still coming down on me…"-Indio

Mating habits of the migrating George Washington, transvestites, and manga murder mysteries. Yup, another Wednesday night writers' group. Actually, this one was a little extraordinary. A woman glared at me. That's right! A woman hasn't given me that passionate a look in quite a while, not even the cute little grocery store clerk who asks about my weekends. What's more, I got the glare twice!

See, this is what happened. A new guy showed up, and this woman who's been attending since late August was critiquing his workI'll stop here for a second.

There's something you should know about our group before I proceed. Some groups are well structured machines that churn out critiques faster than Gutenberg could press a Bible. Ok, I suppose that was kinda slow, but he was fast for his day! And so are some writers' groups. That's not us. We're chaos on a string daring centrifugal force to throw us to the winds. We're not for everybody. Oh, everybody is welcome, but if you're really shy, or the type of person who irons their underwear and has a set of "Special" editing pencils, you're probably not going to get what you want from our group. That is unless you like to press other peoples underwear. We always take ours off and leave it in a pile on the table for newcomers. Ok, I'm joking about the underwear. I'm the only one who does that. And no, that's not why she glared at me.

The girl glared at me because she was reviewing the new guys work, and having trouble finding the words to describe what wasn't working for her. I had plenty, so I offered her a few of my own.

"I don't know what, but I found something uhm...uncomfortable about this."

I interrupt here, laughing, "You mean other than the obvious? The transvestite sex on the third page could be considered discomforting?" This is where she glared at me. I don't know why, I found the sex disturbing. It just seemed funny that that wasn't what was first on her list. She glared. I laughed.

She did it again, but she set herself up, I just gave her a reason while taking my turn critiquing the same work:

"Your dialogue is long. When most people speak, they speak in short bursts."

"Unless they're Rob." She smiles at her jab. I nod, and store it away.

I smile to her, "Why yes, that is true," and turn back to the guy I'm critiquing, "then you'll need pages of unstructured speech. Two periods, a comma and a bunch of fragments. But other people use fewer words. They pass out little bits of information in digestible packets."

"What?" my heckler grins again, "that's an example.".

"Exactly." Turning back to her I say, "and congratulations, that's by far the shortest blurb of dialogue you've uttered all evening."

Ok, you had to be there. My smile, my inflection it was a barb of fun. Just a little stab. Here on cyber-page it sounds kind of mean. Still, despite my good intentions, there was that glare again. I couldn't quite interpret what she was thinking, but I had a hunch on the general direction. I turned the other cheek so the death lasers would even out my complexion.

But here's the thing, that was the first time in a long time a woman had looked at me with any passion at all. I was excited! Even MyUnwife didn't look at me that way. She'd disposed of all telling glances months ago. Her face of '07 was a white mask. Even when she professed to hating me, the look was buried beneath a false smile. It was the look that said "I know the look is important to you, and I'm not giving it to you." It's ok, I was busy masking myself at the time. We wore porcelain visages till the end.

Oh, and speaking of the writingI was speaking of writing, you just have to go back an extra paragraph--I need to give a quick thanks while I'm thinking about it. Extendedforecast, has unwittingly helped me with one of my current project's character's passions in one of her posts. She also gave me a book title as well. Yeah, she's an inspirational light without even trying.

That's the second time she's creeped inside my head, most people don't try it once, and nobody goes back in for seconds; that won't be allowed anymore. Her post privileges have been revoked. I'm making this retroactive, starting last month. This means all her razor sharp posts of the last week will be erased. Go ahead, try and post. I dare you. See that look? That's the same glare I got in writers' group. Oh, and even though you're glaring at me for no good reason, thanks again.

See? Believe it or not, those glare's make me feel guilty. Not to the women giving them, but to MyUnwife. In a way, I feel like by letting a woman look at me with any feeling, I'm cheating. Yet what's cheating? I'm only married in the most technical of senses. And it's not like I'm dating. Still it's a reflex, like socking the doctor in the jaw when he pulls out his little hammer. Glance=guilt. What is the statute of limitations on this crime? When can I smile or glare back innocently, or not so innocently, however the mood strikes me, and not feel like I owe MyUnwife a slaughtered ram?

It's like she's kicked me out in a hallway full of doors. Behind each door is a glace, or chance at something more. The passage behind me is locked, all I can do is go forward, but not too far: a tether runs from my leg to something underneath the door behind me. Every time I knock on a new door, the tether jerks me to the floor. So, I stand in the hallway willing doors to open, praying for happenstance to send somebody out into the hall for their newspaper, or box delivery. The girl in 118 hasn't come out to pick up her care package from home, so I'm using it as a seat. I hope she doesn't mind. I found rice crispy treats inside. They were tasty. A man needs sustenance, and sticky rice cereal bars are an important nutrient in the writer's world.

You want to hear something else, while I'm out here waiting? The girl who glared at me? She wrote a poem that I had to critique. Those same eyes that burned moments prior, were now dark, endless and attentive: devouring every word. My gaze danced around, like an aggie marble avoiding the sink drain, knowing each pass may be my last. I couldn't look into her eyes, I'm not ready for that. Not yet.


Cindy said...

You're welcome...I suppose. So, I'm curious. What exactly did I inspire?
Good choice of music lately, btw.

Grphter said...

"You're welcome...I suppose?" You're putting a qualifier on a you're welcome?

"Well see, now that I know how you've been inspired, I don't think you are welcome. In fact, I'm looking for a restraining order on any and all of my intellectual property. Go ahead and keep the old thoughts. You've sullied them with your mind."

That was you. Just read it aloud. See? sounds just like you. ;)

I'm only having fun. My list of people to razz is pretty short lately, so I've resorted to picking on blog-folk.

What did you inspire? I'm not sure if I want to go into that just yet. I'm weird and superstitious when it comes to my writing. It's kind of like a genie in a bottle. If I tell somebody before it's all written out, then it escapes in a wisp of whimsy, never to be realized. I've let go of so many good stories that way. I will say this though: Part of the inspiration actually comes from your screen name. At first glance it's a simple weather term. Then you think about it, and it can say so much more. Both words are broadscope tearms, used by themselves in several fields. I love to play with words, and your screen name offers a lot of possibility.

Thanks again BTW, I'm glad you like the music. It may not show in the blog, but I've been in a contemplative mode lately. This is the type of music I like to think to. It's simple, hopeful, and expansive. Ok. I've babbled long enough; I'll save the babbling for another blog post.

Cindy said...

That's exactly why I love my name (my screen name, not my real name).

Now let me explain what I was thinking when I wrote that first sentence. I wasn't sure I was supposed to accept your thanks, I mean, I didn't consciously do anything to inspire you. So I felt a bit idiotic for saying you're welcome.

About the music, it all makes sense now. I am contemplative by nature. Except for lately, I've been forcing myself to remain in La La Land so that I don't have to think so much. I've been successfully avoiding some major changes that are coming up in my life.

Grphter said...

Sort of an extended forecast huh? ;)

Good changes?
Bad changes?
Unknown changes?

Forgive the prying, but I'm about as tired of dealing with my changes as a person can get. I'd like to ignore mine for a bit. Whatever they are, I know they'll work out for your betterment in the long run.

Now as a general rule, feel free to accept thanks whenever it's offered by me, deserved or not. I don't think people are grateful enough for the people around them, so stockpile the thanks like a chipmunk, cuz you never know when you'll go out of your way and nobody will recognize the effort.

Inspiration is one of those tricky things anyway. Can you really "intentionally" inspire someone? I think you can try to throw thoughts to the wind, but what catches a person's mind is truly up to the receiver. I think at best we're conduits of inspiration. I find inspiration in some of the strangest things anyway. My mind refracts the mundane into something new. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not, but I always try to play with it.

That's not to say that your posts were in anyway mundane.

I should shut up before I say something offensive or step off some philosophical cliff.

I am Descartes's Lemming: the cliff exists, therefore I leap.

Cindy said...

Overall, bad changes. And I have no control as to when they are supposed to happen and for how long.

That said, maybe these changes are what I need to step up and become the person I want to be. I've sacrificed a lot of myself to be a good wife and mother. Don't get me wrong, if I had to do it again, I would. I love being married and having children. I've willingly let go of some goals and things I like to do, and there are some goals and things I would like to get into the habit of doing again. This could be my opportunity. I just hope I'm brave enough to do it if I have the chance.

Now you are right about inspiration. I suppose that it is rare that inspiration is forced upon someone. Bad word choice, but I've been sitting here for three minutes thinking of the best way to word it. (And the darn phone won't stop ringing. I pick up and no one answers, yet someone keeps calling just to drive me crazy I'm sure.) I'm sure you can come up with something much better. You know what I mean, right? I'm referring to the sentence that was lacking the right words, not the phone caller making me insane.

Grphter said...

Life is about those sacrifices we make for the ones we love. The times we give, weighted against the times we take. Sometimes it takes a lot more of us than we'd like, but I believe it makes us stronger.

That said though, I think that marriage is finding the balance. Finding a way to keep your goals alive, while supporting those of your spouse and family. A good marriage should free both partners to be the best they can be.

So says the divorced guy in the front row. ;)

I'm sure you'll come through whatever this big change is all the better. You'll find you're a lot braver than you give yourself credit for.

If it makes you feel better you can come to my blog for moral support.

And yes, I can come up with better way's to drive people insane other than making empty phone calls. Just ask MyUnwife; she spent 10 years learning.

But seriously I do know what you're talking about, and you're right, forcing isn't the best way of putting it. Although, I don't think you can force inspiration on a person either. I've tried tying them to chairs and torturing, but they never were inspired.


No, I believe inspiration comes from the heart. It can't be planned or coerced, it just happens. It's like a chemical reaction. The inspirer offers something and the inspiree (yeah I know, just work with me) reacts to that offering, creating something new. But unlike a chemical reaction, I don't believe that it can be "recreated." It just is. That's what I love so much about bantering with people. It's like fishing for lightening.

Oh, and speaking of fishing for lightening, thanks for the compliment. I don't know if I came up with something much better, I just elaborated on the inspiration that was given me. ;)

Grphter said...

Oh yeah, I thought of compel or coerce, instead of force, but they were too close to force. I know what you were going for word-wise, but my 5am vocabulary is pretty much monosyllabic.

I'll consider it later, but I'll have to stop for now before I start typing in grunts.

Grphter said...



Why are all my responses sponsored by the letter "C?" I know it's for "cookie," but as I get older, I have to wonder: is that really good enough for me? Can I sustain my life on Cookie Monster existentialism?


I think coax might be close, but all I can see is you holding out a little bit of mental kibble.

"here boy! Here! Good you're inspired."

Shades of Color: