Tuesday, October 16, 2007

…In the shadow play…knowing no more…"-Joy Division

The critics are raving, and it's not just the bad meds!

"...all platitudes (and whining) aside, I really do think you're doing great. " -Tombo of RE: hmmmm

"My friend Rob is doing just fine.

The professionals could take lessons from him." -N. Neal of Re: Why Thank You!

"I am impressed at how well you are doing. " -B. Boyd of Update Continues

These are just a few of the reviews of "Survivor Rob: The Home Alone Edition." People say I'm doing really good. And if that's the popular opinion, it must be true. Just ask Christopher Columbus. I guess if f I'm casting the image of a guy in control against the blog wall, I owe a debt of gratitude to my high school acting coach. Or maybe it's just cool shadowplay. Look here's a bunny, here's a swan, here's a naked woman. Yeah, I don't see it either. I don't see those at all any more.

It's funny (not ha ha…but hmmm…), at church this weekend I was discussing the divorce stuff with my pastor. He said that there was another guy going through a divorce in the first service and he wanted to have that guy talk to me. He said the other guy was having a hard time keeping things together, and that I might be able to help him.

So first, I wonder about the pastor's wine to wafer intake. What's he taking that he sees what I don't. Doing fine? Okay….

I am doing better than other times. I mean other relationships. I'm a divorce virgin. This is my first trip up the volcano on the shoulders of superstitions natives. Not planning on doing it again either, so if I can make it through this with a low level lava/bile burn scars, then hopefully I won't need a repeat performance.

Yeah, I know. The mixed metaphor police are knocking down the front door as we speak. Go ahead reread it and untangle the language knot, I'll go smooth things over with the barbarians at the door.

I guess I'm doing better at this than other times. I don't know. I know how capable I am of staring into the black abyss and going: It looks bright and friendly out there. This time, I don't know. It's not like don't feel it, but I do think the 6 month ramp up period helped. I guess I should thank MyUnwife for telling me after Valentine's Day what she wanted, and then not moving out till August. It gave me time to work through a lot of things.

The only other thing I can attribute it to is my faith. I mean, say what you will, but God's been with me through this whole thing. Just when things are at their worst, something happens to give me hope. No, I've collapsed over break-ups with people who meant far less to me than MyUnwife, but God's kept me stable in this one. Trust me, I know what a wreck I can be. I don't know what the plan is, but bawling naked on the lawn, while rolling in kiwi slices and spilled potato flakes as sprinklers shower a rainbow of colored water atop my broken body, that's being pelted with red hearts, yellow moons, blue diamonds, and green clover by a neighbor kid I've paid fifty bucks, is apparently not part of the plan. Not this time.

Ok, that's my religious blurb (not the last part. I think God prefers Frosted Flakes to Lucky Charms). I just don't know how to take credit for "doing so well" when I'm not doing anything but surviving. That's what we all do. One morning at a time. If you perceive that as "doing great" then maybe that’s something you can carry with you. It's only black word shadows on a white canvas, nothing more. Maybe it'll give you hope, like a survivor souvenir. My Space Needle pen to you. If you turn it upside down, the tower goes naked.

You can thank me later.


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