Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Agony Without the Irony

Eat it, Hunter! No really, eat it. I'm down to 234.5. Here's your Happy Meal. Eat it before I gain it back Ben & Jerry stopped by, and one pint later, they're looking for their happy.

Other than that, today was okay. I had a decent workout. Still not quite the distance of last week, but I blame the weightlifting. My body is resisting the extra effort. Can you blame it?

This morning the walk to the gym came early. It was dark. I was tired. It wasn't until I got home that I woke up enough to whine about how much I didn't want to work out, by then it was too late. Yay me!

So, today I'm sore. Really sore, but in a good way. I'm not just saying the cuz I don't want you to see me weeping in the corner. I don't, but that doesn't stop my sore from still feeling good.

Today, my muscles were like "ow! I feel good and a little less flabby."

I was like, "shut up muscles! I'm drinking coffee, the other patrons think I'm weird."

The other patrons were like, "hello, police?"

I think the coffee is starting to affect me more. That and the lack of sleep. I'm going to bed until tomorrow. You can put a comma in that last sentence if you want. I wouldn't bother; it's not necessary.

Yah, sleep..

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