"What do you think of the new Coldplay song, 'Viva la Vida?'"
"You know I hate Coldplay right?"
"So Do I, I was just wondering what you thought."
Everybody asks me these things. It's not really because I'm the almighty music Oz or anything, I just listen to a lot of music and I have an opinion. Oh, and I'm not afraid to share it. The opinion. The RIAA would like to remind you that sharing music is illegal. I would never share music. Copyright=copy wrong. And when it comes to blogging documented confessions, I'll stick to the divorce variety.
So now that the RIAA is Googling me right now, lets talk about opinion. What are my credentials? I listen to music. The end. That's all it takes to have an opinion. Does that make me an expert? No, still, people gather like I'm sonic Socrates.
Sometimes I wish they wouldn't. I know what happened to Socrates, and he said he knew nothing. I know something, I don't want to end up like that. It is kinda cool though: knowing that musicians will start pounding on my door at any minute makes me feel important.
"Please Mr. Blogwriter, tell BuffyMusic918 that our music is good. We need her sales."
Bwa-ha-ha! I am influential beyond my means!
People used to ask me about movies and stuff too. I've got nothing there. I'm too poor to do the movie thing. By the time I've seen a film, it's already appeared on TNT. If you haven't formed your own opinion by then, you never will.
Actually I do kinda like the new Coldplay song, but don't tell anyone. I think it's contrived and calculated to be a "hit" but it works for me. I thought about putting it on the blog, but then I caught a lyric about once ruling the world and now Windexing porn booths, or something like that. What the hell? Doesn't anybody write happy songs anymore? Where's Sinatra and "My Way?" Sid Viscious remade that and did it his way. He also Oded on drugs. Another original touch I don't think Sinatra thought of first, but then again, that was his way.
My way seems to be copying sad lyrics and commiserating. I looked through all my lyric titles (if you're not on descarteslemming.blogspot.com you have no idea what I'm talking about. Then again that's right up the Rob leitmotif alley isn't it?) None of those are happy themes. Where are my happy songs? I mean, here I sit at the brink of a new beginning, I should be enthralled.
It's all about perspective. Remember when you were in your early thirties and moved out of your mom's basement? Remember the scary elation you felt because you were on your own? You were Loner-man!
Remember when you were going through a divorce and moved out on your wife's basement? Remember the scary depression you felt because you were on your own? You were lonely-man
Same event, you've gone from super pathetic to simply pathetic without the aid of Kryptonite. I say "you' like I have no experience, no opinion. Trust me, on this subject I am an expert. Well the divorce thing. My mom never had a basement.
MyUnwife never felt that way. She was practically giddy at the move out experience. I remember her joy at buying new toys and finding all the ways that she'd thrive on her own. It's like she'd shifted from teed wife to teen daughter before my eyes. I remember her Christmas joy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not being bitter. I don't blame MyUnwife. It wasn't personal, she just wanted out of the house because I was there. Oh, wait, maybe that was personal.
Anyway, it doesn't matter. It's all just coffee grounds for divorce. We filter the end result we want and throw away the remainder . It's perspective. From retrospective perspective, I was an idiot. I spent months after she left filtering everything through reused ground beans expecting new flavors.
"this is what it was like when we were married…"
No wonder life was only a watered down version of what it was before. Why does anybody ask my opinion at all, I'm just living through the past. Ok, fine. I'm done.
It's a new life, a new Rob. First step, I try to make the lyric links more upbeat.
"Viva la Vida?" I kind of like it.
Coldplay? I still think they suck.
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