"Looks good." That's what Pete said. Pete's in my writers' group and can't be trusted. He's a cop. Good cops require a particular mindset; it's what makes them good cops. It makes them shrewd, strong, and brave. It also inhibits their taste gene. Why do you think the police wear uniforms? It's because they can't dress themselves. It can be argued that it's not just the taste gene that's inhibited, but I'm not touching that argument. Pete's a good guy, he's in my writers group, and I'd rather not experience his handcuffing technique.
"You're drooling on my car! Don't make me Taser you!"
Still, I don't trust his "looks good" in my instance.
Lenny Kravitz, there's a guy with taste. I swear, that guy just oozes mojo. I remember back when he had all that hair. That was back in the "Are You Gonna Go My Way" days. Dude! It was amazing. Before you raise your eyebrow at me (that's you raising a single brow, not me suggesting you have a uni-brow.), I'm speaking from a purely observational perspective. Some things even a blind writer can't miss.
Then Lenny cut his hair. I heard an interview with him. He said something like his hair held all his power, and he needed a change. He needed to be free. I suppose it was a Sampson thing. I don't know. I haven't liked his music as much since he cut it, so maybe he was right.
I kind of went through the same thing, just not nearly as cool or notable. Mine was more like more of a weirdo guy down the block perspective.
I've been working out for a few years. One of the side effects for that is I've lost a little weight. I told MyUnwife, about a year and a half ago, that when I reached a certain weight, I'd make a few changes. This week I did that.
This week, I did something I haven't done in ten years. I got rid of ten years of Lenny Kravitz cool. Or as close as I'll ever come. Interestingly enough, it happened on the same day as my anniversary, but I'm going to go ahead and call that "coincidental."
Since I did it, my mood has been lighter. I don't know why: probably just the change. I'm still not sure I like it though, and that's why I'm recruiting you.
By now you've scrolled ahead and looked at the pictures at the bottom of this post. If not, that last sentence just pushed you over the edge. I'll wait for you to come back. See it?
So what do you think? Like I said, I'm still not sure, so I posted a poll. See, this is the first time I've been this naked in 10 years. I don't know the mirror guy anymore. He's like Pete: I'm not sure he can be trusted. So go check the poll. It's right there on the side between the touch clock and the divorce calendar. Tell me what you think. I trust you. I mean what better way for me to gauge my future look than to ask a bunch of people who've never seen me before, and will never see me again?
See, I may not be cool, but I know how to suck up, and sometimes that's more useful.

Hm, strangely quiet in response to your question. ;)
The first (old) is more dignified. The second makes you look younger.
Depends on what kind of look you want.
Yeah, I'm getting used to the silence; I'm the number one rated blog among street mimes. Theatre mimes, on the other hand prefer Something more structured, more boxlike...
Dignified? I don't know if anybody's ever used that in a sentence with my name. I don't know what look I want. I want a look that says "Lord Rob, king of his realm." I just don't think I have the raw materials for that look.
Sigh. Thanks, for your "safe" answer. Your diplomacy star is in the mail.
I'm not trying to be diplomatic! :p Both looks have pros/cons. It just depends on what kind of look you're wanting.
BTW, I know it's irritating, but I'm like this with 'opinions' on lotsa stuff. I usually counter with: "Well, what are you wanting?" lol
"Both looks have pros and cons?"
Are you saying that the raw material is so flawed it doesn't matter? ;)
Should I have asked: "Does this face make me look fat?"
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