It is finished.
No, not my crucifixion, MyWife is still working on that, and between her and the state of California (they require 6 months for the filing juices to set and glaze) this'll be more like a slow roasting. Juicy and flavorful, but still strung up Rob nonetheless.
Here, have a pineapple ring from my back. Don't forget to dip it in the honey baste.
No, I finished rearranging my office. I've been working on it since MyWife left. It was a mess.

The mess
See the part in the middle, with the chair? That's where I sat. See? We could sit and talk, while I worked. That was only good up till the end of 06. Most of 07 was silent sulking, although we did pick up the "social level" later. I think her monitor blocked my head. She could post her favorite wallpaper tiger and pretend she was talking to them
Could explain why she kept calling me Jake…
Anyway, after she left, the office looked like this:

The mess minus one.

The mess from just outside my POV

Mess: The broad view
Not much of an improvement. I needed to work if I wanted to make things better. Otherwise it would always look like an abandoned snakeskin. I needed to make this a new warren, where the braver bunnies could thrive, and no longer fear the carcasses in the corner. Ok, fine there are no carcasses, but there should be! That would evoke the total divorce image huh?
Well you have to admit it would invoke an image. And one only braver bunnies would venture into. I need braver bunnies, bunnies with stamina.
You see why it took so long don't you?
Yeah, this was the catch all room. This was my space. Now it's all my space, but I still spend more time here than anywhere else. I needed it to reflect me. The more stable me; the me that is a little less jumbled and chaotic. The survivor me with lots of cool toys!
So, after two weeks, this is what it looks like now. My goal was to break it up into three sections: relaxing, working, and media-ing. That was actually my original goal, but it was harder to do while trying to please two people. I can barely please myself; there are still things I don't like, but without spending any money, it'll do for now:

I hate the wires coming from the TV, but I couldn't work around that. There are ways, but nothing that's less than 50 bucks, so, wires it is. Maybe I'll paint them up like vines.
A writing nook:

My work Desk:

Notice how it's already a mess. But it's my mess!

More wires, and there's nothing I can do. I told Pokey to eat more so his butt would hide them. He told me to bend over. I'm not sure how the two are related but—oh…bad Pokey!

Books, CDs and LPs! Oh My! Oh yeah, and my biggest fan. Sorry…It was funny in my head I swear.

So what do you think? Was it worth the effort? Some times I wonder about the changes I'm making. How many are worth the effort and how many are just better left alone. I was never good at the "leaving alone" thing. I'm a perfectionist. And yet I'm a procrastinator. Not good for a deadline. But then again, you my loyal readers can attest to that. Besides, most of these changes were thrust upon me. I'm just making the best of what's left. I can do that. It may not be pretty, but it will function for me. I think this is like that scene from St. Elmo's Fire, where Mare Winningham talks about making the PB & J in her first apartment. She says "It was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever had." Well I don't know about that, but there's a certain satisfaction in surviving and adapting. One room at a time...
Actually, I think it looks a ton better. Very bachelor-y. ;)'re just saying that because before it looked very...well...cellar-y. Add some smoke and you had a horror movie! Nonetheless, I'll take bachelor-y, seeing that's what I'm learning to be. ;)
It looks good.
I HATE wires, BTW. We've been in an ongoing battle for years (the wires and I). And as soon as I figure out how to tame them or make them cease to exist (like the previous post), I'll let you know.
"or make them cease to exist (like the previous post)"
Ok, now I feel stupid, you kind of lost me on that line. Which previous post did you make disappear (you mean the previous, previous, previous one? Or would it be one that I haven't seen at all because you did such a good job at making it cease to exist. "I'm just getting started!" And why am I on a quoting the Princess Bride kick lately? If I say something inappropriate like "as you wish." feel free to slap me. I'll understand, context is everything. Speaking of context where was I? Oh yeah, ending the parenthesis.)? Or is that referring to something I erased in my previous post, which would be creepy (and yet no creepier than anything I've already said in this paragraph)…
See? You have to fill in all the appropriate words or a sprung mind like mine starts grasping for hidden gears of meanings. I'm like a monkey with his hand in a coconut trap. I clutch every word and can never get my hand out.
Actually, there are ways around the wires. I've talked with shadowy figures and learned some of the dark wire arts. I can make them disappear. If it weren't for that one set that shoots way out to the side, I'd try disguising them behind a wall hanging. But anything that sticks out far enough to cover those wires says "Hey! I'm only here to cover wires." No, the tricks I would have to use in this case require at least $100 to do right, and I just can't spare it. Although I may have to do something cuz I keep looking over at it like a parrot with a neck tick.
I've just noticed I've made this "response" about the length of a regular post. Sorry about that. Next time I'll reply before I go to Starbuck's.
Oh yeah, and thank you very much for the room compliment. I should probably make everything else cease to exsist and leave this last paragraph. Naw, I wrote it, I'll let you "enjoy" it. ;)
Now I feel really stupid. Remember that candle I talked about a few weeks ago? The one that smolders low in my head, and sometimes brings a spark of realization? Yeah, the flame just flashed with a burst of oxygen. You're talking about the "feeling as if I cease to exist post." See? I told you, Starbuck's and posting do not mix. Please disregard my previous post. I'm going to leave it there as a warning for others.
Are you answering yourself now?? lol
Sometimes it's the most intelligent conversation around.
Obviously not the case here...
I'm just glad I didn't have to go into an explanation. I'm not good at those. See what I get for bringing up past posts? I guess I should have mentioned which previous post I was referring to.
Naw, you did fine. Once I recognized the reference, I was okay. Unfortunately, People like me can draw obscure references from Techno-geek-babble to Chick lit, and somehow make sense of it. But someone else comes along with a simple A to B and our heads explode! I'm still picking up pieces of skull. ;)
Keep posting! I promise to catch up. And hey, you liked my office. That's five bonus points!
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