Thursday, August 9, 2007

Blending a smoothie

This is just an update to the previous post. If you didn't already read it, stop now and go read it. This will make no sense without it. For those of you loyal readers who've already been there, here's your secret number: 52. Log into the secret site and get a secret surprise.

So I worked on re organizing my office tonight. I'm nowhere near done, but progress is progress and it looks like I'll have plenty of time for that.

Sitting down at my desk, I noticed an email from MyWife. It read:

Truly unintentional. I didn't realize that was how that worked out. If you like, I will make some time to come over this weekend and exchange. Sorry.

See? She's not the monster I make her out to be. She's just misunderstood. Ok, I'll stop there before the sarcasm kicks in. Too late? well you know. I am the monster I've made me out to be.

I made up a few "Friendly" points. I emailed her back:

Not that big of a deal, I was just feeling pissy about it. Keep that one; I’ll grab a new one.
Really it’s ok. It just kinda took me by surprise. Sort of like reaching for your last beer to find somebody left you with an O’Dooles.
Have a good night.


I can make nice when I try. And no, that wasn't buckling under; it was just making peace points now, for when I need them later. Lord knows I'm going to need them later...


Cindy said...

Thank God you emailed, instead of calling her.

Grphter said...

I thought so. Some people think it's cowardly not to confront these issues in person, but I'd rather save those confrontations for important things. Blenders and such just steal from the legitimacy of the other stuff. Besides, I can resort to mean & cruel when I feel slighted. My inner child holds my inner library hostage and negotiates cuelty for ever hurt it feels. Since there are almost 10 years of sections dedicated to the works of MyWife, that leaves a lot of ammo. No, this was best approached as a one sided conversation.

Most of the time, I can tell when I'm being irrational, but that doesn't stop me from needing to get it out. I think this was one of those times.

Shades of Color: