Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Remember

You may find this hard to believe, but not everything I write is cool and kitschy. Despite what I say about this blog no longer being about me, sometimes I do write words for me. I write words that I expect no one else will see. I search for words of comfort and understanding.  Today is September 11th.  Today I wrote words for me to understand the memory of someone else. It's not good, but it's honest and its me. And some days when the world scrapes us raw with the "why?" of life, that's all that we can be. So I offer my humblest words of memory in memory of them.

I remember.
I remember waking up in bed.
I remember MyEx.
"Watch TV." She said.
"What Channel?" I asked.
"It doesn't matter," she said.
I remember every identical station of images on TV.
I remember what words cannot reproduce produced in vivid smoke grey and cloying ash white.
I remember the Orkin man at the door.
 “Did you hear?” I asked.
I remember he nodded.
I remember inviting him in to see for himself.
I remember those who ran in.
I remember the running of the bulls of mortar, smoke and rock when time ran out.
I remember the Orkin man who could watch no more.
I remember that my ants just didn’t matter that day.
I remember TV people asking if I’d seen people that I’d never seen before in my life.
I remember praying that I could see them at least once.
I remember a cloud that lasted for days.
I remember a skyline changed forever.
I remember the love of a nation.
I remember everything
And I will never forget.

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