Tuesday, September 4, 2012


So this is my blog page.
It’s been a while. 
We haven’t seen each other.
How you been?
What’s new?
You’ve grown a little, haven’t you?
No, I mean taller.  Sorry, I mean—nevermind--I love your hair!

Yeah, so I’ve been doing this blog thing for 5 years, some years more intermittent than other years.  This blog started with a Friendly Divorce and landed in the Robblog mire. All this verbal travel without ever really changing topics, or without having any real topics for that matter--as some critics might argue. Oh sure, I started talking about divorce, but even in the early days the focus was rather blurry.

“Which is clearer: Blog three, or Blog four.”
“I don’t know, can I see three again…”
“…or four…”

Yeah.  I know. I am not the most concise blogger, but I’d like to believe that even the most absurd blogs had a focus. 

"If I can't stop hating you by August, I want a divorce." (Blog #1)

Ok. I was hoping for something a little more universal, but If you took that away, good for you. Me I like:

Once you show spaghetti, you can’t pretend it’s a side of beef.” (Feb 12, 2009)

See? I can even quote me.  I am a five-year study on the subject of Rob.  I think I’m good.
What about you? Has the RobBlog done anything for you? Do you feel safer? Happier? More fulfilled?  More defined?

I know, since I’ve moved to the big D (and I don’t mean divorce or Dallas..) my keyboard has been quiet.  I have no excuse except life stood between my computer and I and refused to budge.  I got married, I gave up pride and took up retail, and I haven’t had the time to blog.  I’m sorry.  If it’s any consolation, you didn’t miss anything as I walked through the valley of the shadow of retail. 

Dissatisfied, disappointed, and disillusioned, and that was just the customers.  They expected more from their Rob.

“You’re what’s wrong with retail.”

Yeah, somebody told me that one day.  It’s ok. When I took the job, I decided that I was there for the customer, and I would do everything I could to create a friendly experience for them. She didn’t see that. It’s okay, With few exceptions, I believe that I accomplished my goal. Which is good, because as of last Thursday I’m no longer in retail.  They let me go.  We had a disagreement over the importance of timeliness.

They won.

I did the same with this blog. (I meant the friendly thing, but I suppose you could extend the timely issue too…) When I started documenting the events of my divorce, my primary goal was to tell others, “No matter how alone you feel in this, there are others who are there too.” I’d like to think that I accomplished that too.

I also committed a selfish act over the last year:  I got married. I fell in love, and wanted something good for myself. I’m bad, but so’s she. I’ve got pictures to prove it:

So we’re in our happily ever after phase, and it’s an even happier phase now that retail is no longer a part of it. Now I have time to think. Time to write.

Time to blog?

Ahhhh, there is the question. Do I have anything else to say that you want to hear? My inward search was great, but I’m only so deep, and once I’ve dug the hole, I’m no longer digging:  I’m just throwing dirt back down on myself.
I’m tired.
I’m dirty. 
I’m done.

It’s time for something new. And yet my beloved bride has accused me of being “a voice.”   Yeah, that’s what she said, as if I have some sort of obligation. Fine…If I am “a voice,” then I should try to be heard, right?
I’m conflicted.
So what does that mean for you, dear reader?
Apparently that I have more to say.
Other than that, I don’t know, but it means that the RobBlog has come to another end, and yet it isn’t finished. Not yet. It means that I’d like to continue our talks, and continue nurturing our relationship, but I’d like to talk a little less about me, and open it up to more about you. Or at least I’d like to give it a try. Let’s face it, I am pretty Rob-focused, and rarely altruistic. Still, it should be more fun than a barrel full of dentists. 
Whaddya say?
Stay tune for some blog changes, real and blog deep.
Oh look, the background picture is already gone.
I guess the first thing I need to do is to find a place to store images online…
So I guess it is time.
It’s time I was the one who lived vicariously.
It’s time we took a look at you.
Give me time to get some things squared away here, and in the meantime, why don’t you tell me about your childhood…

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