Ok, today I’m going to break RobBlog protocol. If you’ve ever read my blog you know that there’s an underlying theme that keeps every entry strung together like a sweet candy necklace.

Today isn’t about me. I know. I’m finding that hard to believe myself, but other than that 48-font homage a few lines back, there’s nothing here about little Rob writer hood, or grandma wolf.
What a big mouth you have!
Nope, today is about the pirate queen. Today she graduates from plunderer to captain of industry. That’s right, today my favorite pirate earned her MA in buseness-with honors.
I’d love to tell you all the things I did to get her there, how I babysat her parrot, or swabbed her deck, but both things are nearly impossible from 2,500 of “here.” Instead I did nothing.
“I need to study.”
“But we just started talking.”
“I know, I’m sorry but I have a test tomorrow.”
“Ok, well I’m here rooting for you, ok?”
Yup, it’s an effective cheer squad of invisible Robs.
So I was here, pom-poms, hairy legs and all. And when my pirate queen graduated from there I couldn’t be prouder. I even woke up at 6:30 to watch her online. Yeah, I know, I scared myself.
And yet it’s not about me, and I find that the most confusing thing of all. It’s about her, and how I couldn’t help but be here “There” and helpless for her. It’s about seeing the joy on her face as she achieved something she spent long nights and hard years pursuing.
How could something not be revolve around Rob and all that he does to make this world spin to precision? I I mean if you turn of your lights, you’ll see that my blog glows with the light of Rob kindness, so how can the queen of my world accomplish something outside this incandescence? Why would she want to?
Come sit on my lap young children and I’ll tell you a tale—No I won’t. I can’t, because I have no idea. I don’t know how she can do it, any more than I know how I am so happy for her about sticking through it. And yet I’m Rob-speechless; I only have praise for my favorite pirate.
So today’s blog isn’t about me. It’s about a woman who steals my breath and my thunder and makes the world spin on her own axis. It’s about a woman who can be all that she wants, and still chooses spending time with a blogger whose bluster of sound and fury is no more earth shattering than a shrug.
Today’s blog is about the pirate queen. Congratulations on your MA. If I could say/do more, I would, but that would make it about me, and it’s not, it’s all you, and you rock my world.

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