Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Day of the Walk

Morning! Today is "Long walk/short post" day. The weather man says it'll be a sweltering 75 degrees and sunny today. Morn for me!

As usual, I'll be taking pictures and contemplating my next post "What I did for my Summer Vacation." I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I hear there's a divorce involved.

If you get the chance, you should do something like these walks. It doesn't take a lot of thought, and it allows you to clear all the crap that gathers in your mind. What's cool is it doesn't have to be some Forrest Gumpian foot voyage, it can just be a couple of miles. I do 9 because I've got so much stuff in my head, Wisconsin snow plow drivers would sooner strike than push it aside.

This at least allows me to sort it into piles: "Keep," "Burn," "Give Away." Which reminds me. If you want some used thoughts, I have my trunk stuffed with Glad bags full of them, just ready to give to the needy. They're a little esoteric and out dated, but they're usable. Try them on, you might like something you find.

Today, I leave my thoughts and the door, but if you can think of me as I walk, that would be great.

See you all at the end of mile 9!

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