Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Alomost Never Forever and Ever.

Dude! I am so busy lately! Good thing? I think so. I still feel like stuff slides through the gaping crack like loose change into a drainage reservoir though. What's that mean to you? My blogs are later and spottier than before. I'm trying to maintain the quality (and you'd think that would be easy, since my quality standards are obviously pretty low to begin with), but that jingle you hear is a pocketful of change splaying to the street. I just hope it's good.

I'm too busy to tell. It's just grab and go, especially today. This is a writers group day, I have my music research job, and I have to write. Gaa! I'm doing what I love, hear me whine! Feel sorry for me yet? I have more to complain about I'm sure I'll find something that hits a nerve. Still, I'm having trouble finding time for even that.

Complaining: one of my great passions; I don't have time for it. What's that all about? Maybe if I learn to multi-task. It's never been one of my great skills, I'm always about single minded single plan focus. Multi-tasking leads to meandering, and we all know how I hate to meander.

MyUnwife and I are having burgers tomorrow night. Did I mention that? Am I supposed to feel nervous or something? I don't know. In a way I'm looking forward to it. Not as in "I think I can bring her back into my life." This is more like "The woman whose news I followed every day for ten years, dropped off the face of the earth. Now I get to catch up!" Or something that means the same thing but is shorter, pithier, and definitely catchier than that. I'm too busy to edit it. You work it, and come up with something cool. Let me know what you find. I'll drop it in. Thanks, you guys rock.

Things will never be what they were, for MyUnwife and I. I don't even really believe that we can be friends. I don't think I can come out the other side that way. Still, I try never to say never, because it always smacks me in the head.

I'll never enjoy poetry.

I'll never move to back to California.

I'll never get a divorce.

Yeah, the list is longer, that's just the highlights. MyUnwife, represents several unfulfilled nevers. So is my frustration aimed at her or me? I never did answer that question. I'm too busy now, I've just let it go. Maybe that's why I should never say never about being friends: Time fills our nows with things that keep us busy and moving, and we forget things that tripped us up our past. The last time I had a few spare moments, I looked at previously posted grievances about her. I thought, "oh yeah, I kind of remember that." So maybe, not never.

No matter what happens to the individual us-es, I think that we'll be like coworkers who used to work together in the same office. What brought us to our new jobs doesn't matter more than a sad footnote in a personnel file. What matters is that we cannot forget our time spent together. We once had a common goal, and no matter how much time and change spill into the streets and sewers of life, time spent, can never be lost.

My life is busy and hectic. I may slap out shoddy blogs, but I'll always have a smile and a hug for MyUnwife.

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