Blame Yoko. That's right it's her fault. She broke up the band. Her relationship with John was legendary, but secondary to her relationship with Paul. Without her and Paul, there would have been no "Spies Like Us" theme song and no "Woman."
Oh I believe in yesterday…
Life is filled with yesterdays and "what if" todays. What if Paul and John had stayed together? What if the Beatles would have continued to make sweet music together? What if Paul and Yoko had just hugged it out? Would there still be tangerine trees and marshmallow skies?
I don't know. The world went one way and now all alternate yestedays are dead ends. Blame Yoko. She’s a force transcending time and space.
In my time, I've written 645 blogs. I'm a blogger. Yay! Throw me my tickertape parade and smother me with Kudos candy bars, cuz I'm a hero sandwich. I want a Cardboard kiosk in my honor. 645, that's almost a blog a day for almost 2 years. You could keep hungry kids off the streets if you chained them to typewriters and forced them write that much.
“No Indugu, no saltines until you churn out a Da Vinci sequel.”
So what do I have to show for time blogged? That's the question that sent me into a cloistered sabbatical. A former reader accused me of not being motivated. She was wrong, but that didn't stop me from plagiarizing her question, "What is my motivation?"
At first it was my way of seeing through the divorce forest by milling four million trees into pulverized paper. Then it was about helping others—maybe. Then again maybe it was all about me. I started to question my motivation in February when I found myself at MyEx’s doorstep:
Knock, knock!
“Uhm, what are you doing here, Rob?”
“I need a favor.”
“I need an affidavit. “
“A what?”
“I need you to confirm that our divorce has nothing to do with spousal abuse.”
“Grunge Pixie, she's gone and said some things and now Pirate Queen wants...well she wants to see pictures of you and wants documents stating that I'm not abusive.”
“Grunge Pixie? Pirate Queen? Have you been picking up teenagers on the World of Warcraft site again?”
“Well I hope you’re not gonna mention that in the affidavit…. Uhm could you stop laughing? You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Look, she said I fit an abusive profile.”
“As in dangerous?”
“And she’s met you?
“Yes! Look, you can stop laughing now. Please…Look I can be dangerous! ROWR! KNOCK IT OFF!”
She finally did, when she hyperventilated and passed out. I resuscitated her. I called 911. I spent the night in jail because a local cop read Grunge Pixies blog and thinks I nearly killed MyEx on purpose.
Ok, there was no jail time. I’m just exaggerating for effect. I guess that’s the point though. There’s no limit to the lies people can tell, and there’s no telling the effect it can have on people who aren’t even involved.
The reality is, most of this only happened in my mind, but my mind is a dangerous place. It’s the Yoko freight train driving my writing on a collision course with a bus of hurt divorcees seeking emotional triage. I said I was doing this to help, but how am I helping by inserting myself in some online telenovela?
Blame Yoko—she’s derailed everything.
I'm a writer. For the past two years I've been a blogger--more specifically, a divorce blogger. The irony is that the one thing I didn't want to talk about is the one thing that has gained me the broadest audience. Granted, I'm not going to fill a fishbowl with my smattering of readers, but still, it has garnered more interest than any other word flakes I've sprinkled at the top of the bowl. This was my first nibble.
So where does that leave me now? I'm a writer in a bad economy. I've lost some financial inspiration to continue my blog, and the inkwell is running dry. The question is: am I a blogger? If the answer is yes, then I should continue to blog my little heart out. Let my inner Yoko pouring coal into the little engine that could.
We all have our Yoko's, and my Pirate’s Yoko had her own opinion on the matter. Hers even makes valid coherent points. "Do you see yourself writing about divorce? Do you want to be known as a divorce blogger?"
The answer is no. I've spent 2 years writing about divorce. I'm done. I married. I divorced. I'm done. I once wrote that "Divorced" is a permanent state. I don't believe that anymore. Yeah, I've been divorced, but now I'm Rob. I'll check your little box on your little demographic forms, but it's nothing more than a worthless statistic. I'll hang my divorce diploma on the wall, right next to my sixth grade Completion plaque. They both say so much about who I am.
“Rob has a lot of potential, he just needs to apply himself.”
Fine. It’s time. I’m applying myself, but I think I’m done applying myself to my divorce. It’s time to write about something else. If I’m not helping anybody, and I’m not writing what I love, then what am I doing?
I’m growing. I’m changing. I’m acknowledging that my yesterdays may be set, but my future is fluid., and it pours from today. Today, my future is this: I’m no longer a divorce blogger. I’m no longer a blogger. I’m a writer who blogs.
So what does that mean to you, my three readers? Change. I need to work on other projects. That means my blogs will be less frequent, and probably won’t deal with divorce. It means I’ll try to blog once a week. It also means that I won’t dip my pen in the poison well either: my blogs will only appear here. While there are real people with real needs, I don’t want to steal their attention by nourishing the bitter swill of hateful stories.
It also means I have the right to change my mind at any time.
Blame Yoko.